Mission of Roadside Station SERA

Sera has some of the best running trails in Japan.
There are also fantastic flower gardens.
In addition, you can pick sweet-tasting fruits.
There are also fresh vegetables grown in this location which is ideal for growing crops due to the large differences in cold and hot temperatures.

A great base for sightseeing in Sera

Attractions of Sera

As a sightseeing association, we would like to serve as a base for visiting tourist attractions, farmer's markets, restaurants, and other amazing spots in Sera.

We manage the Roadside Station SERA based on this idea.
If you are interested in buying vegetables, please feel free to contact us.
We will provide you with information on nearby farmer's markets.

Recommendations at Roadside Station SERA

旬農産物 せら梨
旬農産物 せら梨

Roadside Station SERA is home to Sera's prized high-quality agricultural products grown in the cool climate of the Sera Plateau. This Sera specialty is red pears, which boasts the largest production volume in Hiroshima. Visitors can enjoy plenty of fresh and sweet pears.


Milk red bean paste with charred soybean flour made with soybeans produced in Sera is covered with brown sugar syrup and wrapped in a chewy bun. The soybeans are said to strengthen the legs and hips, and Idaten-sama, the god of speed and agility, is branded onto the bun to represent the desire for healthy legs.


This coffee blend is inspired by the town of Sera, which is abundant in fruit. It has a sweet and refreshing aroma reminiscent of citrus peel and a robust sweetness like milk chocolate, giving it a fruity and refreshing taste.


This collaborative T-shirt features the Hiroshima Toyo Carp character Carp Boy in a running shirt with a sash hanging from it, inspired by the players of Sera High School, a local Ekiden road relay powerhouse!

フードメニュー vol.1
フードメニュー vol.1


・瀬戸内六穀豚のデミカツ定食 1,380円
・瀬戸内六穀豚のロースカツ定食 1,380円
・世羅ワインで作ったハンバーグ定食 1,100円
・世羅みのり牛のサラダ定食 1,300円
・どぶろくからあげのチキン南蛮定食 1100円

・世羅みのり牛丼 みそ汁付 980円

・尾道ラーメン 750円

・世羅みのり牛の肉うどん 850円
・ふみちゃん家の卵 月見うどん 650円

フードメニュー vol.2
フードメニュー vol.2


・瀬戸内六穀豚のカツカレー サラダ付 1,300円
・世羅みのり牛のビーフカレー サラダ付 1,200円
・カレーライス サラダ付 700円

・世羅トマトと松きのこのPIZZA 1,580円

・せらの恵みバーガー 800円
・猪肉フランク 500円
・鹿肉フランク 500円
・猪鹿腸セット 900円
・唐揚げ3個入り 300円
・ca va aller! のカレーパン 300円
・世羅のトマトクリームコロッケ 220円
・広島菜コロッケ 220円
・コロッケセット 400円



・せら梨ソフト 500円
・ミックスソフト 500円
・クレミア 550円

*Soft serve ice cream except for the CREMIA is not available on Thursday mornings due to machine cleaning.

Basic Information on Roadside Station SERA
Closed December 31
Hours <Vending Machine・Rest Corner・Restrooms・Parking lot>
0:00 ~ 24:00 24hours
<Roadside Station SERA>
8:00 ~ 18:00
Address 2402-1 Kawashiri, Sera-cho, Sera-gun, Hiroshima Pref.
Phone 0847-22-4400
FAX 0847-22-0315